Use "guided him|guide him" in a sentence

1. She guided him across the busy road.

2. He needs a strong man to support him and to guide him.

3. The hound guided him to a light in the darkness.

4. He received personal revelation to guide him.

5. Let Him guide you through constant prayer.

6. Guided Games Host other players as a Clan Guide via Guided Games

7. An eerie sixth sense guided him to wherever a crisis was unfolding.

8. He took the bewildered Elliott by the arm and guided him out.

9. And We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob ; each of them We guided ; and Noah did We guide aforetime ; and of his seed ( We guided ) David and Solomon and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron .

10. God's presence often descends on Boyd to help him guide others.

11. Is someone depending on your light to guide him or her?

12. The shaikh will lift him up through a path filled with difficulties, train him through worship, and guide him to a state of complete Self- Effacement .

13. Paul continually prayed to Jehovah to guide him in accomplishing his ministry

14. I can think of no one more suited to further guide him.

15. 5 The guide picked up the rifle, shot and castrated him, and made off.

16. Anselmo, an old and trustworthy guide, takes him to a local guerilla 3 camp.

17. She guided him back to the lift, down to the ground floor and the street and into a taxi.

18. 11 Guided by the sound, Dunn moved in and whacked him on the head with a spring-loaded cosh.

19. Wishing Adonis had his team to guide, So he were like him and by Venus' side

20. She intrigued him and enticed him and infuriated him.

21. I know him, I honor him, and I love him.

22. Boomer is a very timid dog looking for someone to guide him gently yet confidently through life

23. Advancement guide unit for ensuring the straight-line motion of a manually guided machine tool

24. Gonna be an advisor, you know- - shoot him, him and him.

25. Some who saw Him heal and heard Him teach rejected Him.

26. Take him out and kill him

27. They reviled him, ridiculed him, and cast him out of their city.

28. Because from him and by him and for him are all things.

29. It means taking action —doing what pleases him, letting his laws and principles guide us in daily life.

30. Destroy him or discredit him immediately.

31. oppressed him and made him ill.

32. Sun strikes him, warming him sleepy.

33. When Chang-yi heard about him... he found him and butchered him.

34. I have talked of Him, preached of Him, and rejoiced in Him.

35. Then Castrate him to render him docile

36. You must unhorse him or kill him.

37. Some praise him, whereas others condemn him.

38. The cop stopped him and tossed him.

39. Stop teasing him?you're making him blush.

40. Bow down before Him, Love adore Him.

41. The check poppet assembly shall be guided via the use of a corrosion resistant plastic guide.

42. 21 Sun strikes him, warming him sleepy.

43. You meet him, dig him... you ball him once and then adios, muchacho.

44. Make him, promote him, make him the next biggest thing in boxing, and...

45. 3 But they took him, beat him, and sent him away empty-handed.

46. 26 But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him.

47. No matter what the topic, readers value him as both a provocateur and a trusted guide to new territory.

48. Then castrate him to render him docile.

49. She shook him to wake him up.

50. Jim was supposed to rescue him, untie him, give him mouth-to-mouth.

51. All I told him was brush him.

52. We gotta find him, take him down.

53. Joyfully praise him, Him who brings joy.

54. Search ofsomeGreat Adeptin Magic.—Aaron informs him that in the desert, not very far from Arachi, there dwells a very learned andpious Magecalled Abra-Melin; and that hewill find him a guide to shew him the route thither.-—Abraham visits Abra-Melin, and finds in him at length the Great and Wise

55. His superiors suspended him, and then downgraded him.

56. Teach him gently , World, but don't coddle him.

57. They walked around him, prodding and pinching him.

58. The dogs saw him running and chased him.

59. Bow Down Before Him, Love and adore Him.

60. You can Congratulate him when you see him

61. If thou mislike him, thou Conceivest him not

62. Don't speak French to him, it'll embarrass him.

63. You'll find him where you saw him last.

64. Don't greet him next time you see him.

65. I'll look after him and take care of him and feed him and everything!

66. The Captain thanked him , and bade him show him the house he had marked .

67. They're shackling him and taking him into recovery.

68. Clean him up and let oncology have him.

69. If you see him, give him this note.

70. Kids giving him cheek, men giving him aggro.

71. I feel split about him, sorry for him.

72. Princes took counsel against him and persecuted him.

73. You bribed him and then you blackmailed him?

74. We had him and we let him go.

75. As we shall see, we can honor him by showing him fear and reverence, by obeying him, by acknowledging him in all our ways, by making gifts, by imitating him, and by making petitions to him.

76. It Blesseth him that gives and him that takes

77. It Blesseth him that gives and him that takes

78. Give him your best; it came from him Ex.

79. They would arrest him and deport him as well.

80. Jehovah himself will guard him and preserve him alive.